What’s Happening this Summer
@ BGC!
Registration is open now & will stay limited to 25 students per camp.
Join us again for our Three Day AM Summer Camps
We are so excited to be able to give your child a summer to remember!
Join us every other week from June 23rd to August 4th we will be offering different camp themes that will allow your child to explore new skills and master old ones in our state of the art facility!
Back Handspring Weekly Clinic with Miss Stacy (TBA)
$xx/per class, (June -Aug) Time: TBA
Day Camp Rates
Everyone is welcome to join us, not just our current students!
Our goal is to welcome every child into gymnastics & we always recommend signing up with a friend!
The cost of camp is:
$165 /per week
Discounts Offered!
Save $15 off each additional sibling after first sign up!
Day Camp: 9:30am-12:30pm Mon.,Tues.,Thurs.
Here’s the Day
PLEASE NOTE >> Adding Additional Camps
Once you have register for a series of camps, the system does not allow you to go in and manually add additional camps. Please call the office to add on any additional camps!
Early Drop-off / Late Pick-up...
Before camp, we will offer early drop-off at 8:30am for an additional $15/child/day.
If you intend to use this service, please let us know ASAP.
If you need early drop-off on multiple weeks, you’re ledger may reflect this post-purchase.
Each camper should bring a refillable SPILL PROOF water bottle.
**A nut-free snack will be provided.
Each camper should wear gym clothes, or a leotard if they would like.
Long hair should be tied back & no jewelry, please.
No Tablets, or Video Game Consoles, please!